Rishika Thorat's Projects

Ascend Mobile Application

Project: Ascend

Duration: June 2019-December 2020

In this project, my teammate and I developed an interactive platform that helps immigrants understand their rights and steps to follow during and after an ICE raid/interrogation. Throughout this project, my team and I maintained a Design Slideshow in which we documented the description of product and future modifications wanted. My main responsibility throughout this project, was coding the app and desigining the interface. I also contributed in completing the presentation. This is the video presentation for this project.

AP CS Java Educational Game

Project: CSA Educational Game

Duration: September 9-20, 2019

Course: AP Computer Science Applications (CSA)

In this project, the objective was to familarize ourselves with Java and the Greenfoot application. Throughout this project, my team and I maintained a Design Document in which we documented the description, educational value, modifications required, and screenshots of our game. My main responsibility throughout this project, was coding the game and desigining the interface. I also contributed in completing the documentation. These are the requirements for this project.


Project: Breathe

Duration: September 27- October 7, 2019

Course: AP Computer Science Applications (CSA)

In this project, the objective was to create an app and familarize ourselves with the Android Studio IDE. Throughout this project, my team and I maintained a Design Document in which we documented our design brief, peer comments, screenshots of the app, and a final design summary. My main responsibility throughout this project, was coding certain parts of the document and completing the documentation. These are the requirements for this project.

Renewable Insulation

Project: Renewable Insulation

Duration: February 7- February 19, 2019

Course: Principles of Engineering (POE)

In this project, the objective was to design a renewable, composite insulation material and test to see how effective it is for our client, MT Construction. Throughout this project, my team and I maintained a Project Documentation in which we documented our design brief, material description and life cycle, record of modifications made to our insulation, measurements and calculations based on testing and testing summary. My main responsibility throughout this project, was preparing the materials to be made into the insulation (i.e shredding the jeans, cutting the cork) and doing material research, shown as "Material Description' on the documentation. Based off of our testing summary, we recommended our insulation. These are the requirements for this project.

Solar Hydrogen Vehicle

Project: Solar Hydrogen Vehicle

Duration: November 1- November 16, 2018

Course: Principles of Engineering (POE)

In this project, the objective was to create a car out of VEX Robotic parts and test to see which power source works better, hydrogen or solar, for our client Tesla Motors. Throughout this project, my team and I maintained a Project Notebook in which we documented our design brief, record of modifications made to our car design, testing summary and power source evaluation. My main responsibility throughout this project, was building the car and circuiting the breadboard. Based off of our testing summary, we recommended the hydrogen power source over solar. These are the requirements for this project.